Employee FAQs
General Questions
What if I’m having trouble logging into my PrestigePRO Portal?
- In the PrestigePRO login screen, click on “Forgot Username” or “Forgot Password”.
- Follow the prompts to receive a link via email to reset your username and/or password. If you don’t receive the email, be sure to check your spam or junk folder.
- Follow the instructions in the email to reset your username and/or password.
- If you get stuck at any point in the onboarding process, please ensure you’re using the most up-to-date version of Chrome and that your cache has been cleared.
- When registering, your last name and social security number must match what is in your personnel files.
Remember, no need to add dashes in between numbers when entering your social security number. If you receive a “no match” error, check with your manager regarding how your last name was entered into the system.
What do I do if I get locked out of my PrestigePRO account?
How do I find out who my point of contact is when I have a service question?
How do I download the PrestigeGO Mobile App?
If I need to apply for a loan, who do I say is my employer?
How do I notify PrestigePEO if I move?
Payroll Questions
Since PrestigePEO is issuing my paychecks, are they in charge of my raises and/or bonuses?
How can I update my tax withholding?
Where do I go in the Employee Portal to update tax forms and/or increase my withholding?
- Once logged into the portal, click on Taxes > Tax Withholding > Federal Tax or State Tax. There is a guide that details the process for you. Once you click submit, the changes will take effect immediately in our system.
How can I print out my paystub and W-2?
Can I have my checks deposited directly into my bank account?
How can I add or change my direct deposit?
(Note: If you want your entire net payment to be direct deposit, the deposit method must be set to “Remainder.” When using “Fixed” or “Percent,” the “Remainder” method must be selected on one account. If the Remainder is unused, any balance will generate a Paper check.)
Direct deposit adjustments can also be made using the PrestigeGO mobile app.
When will my W-2 be ready or mailed out?
Why does Box 1 on my W-2 not match my year to date gross wages on my final paystub?
Typically, this is attributed to one of three different scenarios: Your employer offers health insurance that is a pre-tax deduction, participation in a retirement plan or non-taxable items (reimbursements).
Example: Jane’s gross wages (paystub) are $30,000, but during the year she contributed $3,000 to a pre‑tax health insurance deduction. Jane’s taxable Form W‑2 wages (Box 1) are 27,000. (30,000 – 3,000 = 27,000)
What are the differences between Regular and Supplemental payments?
- Regular wages are taxed based on marital status and the number of withholding allowances (Federal and State, where applicable). Supplemental wages are taxed 22% Federally (37% over $1 million).
- Many States tax supplemental wages using the percentage method. New York, for example, has a supplemental tax rate of 9.62%
Why do I see state taxes for a state I do not live in?
I just started working with PrestigePEO but have met my FICA (SS) limit. Do I still have to pay?
Retirement Questions
Where do I get information on the retirement plan?
Who do I contact about my 401(k)?
If you do not have a Slavic401k account, we recommend you contact someone from your internal HR team, as they would have the details regarding any outside vendor.
I do not want a 401k deduction from my bonus. Can you prevent this?
If you do not have an account with Slavic401k, simply let your employer know, and they will inform us when we process your payroll.
Onboarding Questions
Onboarding Tips
- You will receive an email from prestigepro-noreply@prestigepeo.com.
- You will be instructed to register for your PrestigePRO account by creating your unique username and password.
- The first step is to complete section 1 of the I9.
- All boxes need to be filled in and must match the personal information already provided.
- If you do not have anything to place in a box, you must put N/A in the field – no boxes can remain empty.
- Once your section of the I9 has been submitted, you can continue reviewing the remaining forms for Onboarding.
- Once you’ve submitted all your forms and your company has certified your I9, you’ll officially gain access to the Employee Portal.
As a co-employee of PrestigePEO and my current employer, is my date of hire affected?
No, your hire date with your employer will be used for purposes of seniority. We record the date the co-employment arrangement started, but you will always be an employee of your current company. This is a co-employment arrangement in which PrestigePEO, and your company simply divide various management and administrative responsibilities. Until you leave, you will continue to accrue time.
Why do you ask for work history on the forms that I have filled out?
Is management filling out the same forms I am? Are they also part of this co-employment relationship?
Benefits Questions
Since my health insurance will be provided by PrestigePEO, who will issue my medical card and physician directory, and when will I get them?
When can I enroll on the Medical and Dental plans?
How do I get an insurance card for my Vision and Dental benefits?
UHC Vision does assign specific ID numbers; however, your provider can look up your benefits through your social security number. By registering on their website, you can print a card if you would like to. To learn more, visit this website.
MetLife Dental does not assign specific ID numbers. Dental benefits can only be looked up through your social security number. You can register to learn more about your dental benefits and print a benefits card using this link. Please note: when accessing your dental benefits, you will be asked to type the name of your organization. Please enter Prestige Employee Administrators LLC.
What is my company’s waiting period?
If I do not enroll when initially eligible is there another time I can enroll?
Can I make changes to my benefits mid year?
What is a qualifying event?
How long does it take before I receive my ID card?
I have not received my ID card yet and I need to see my doctor. What do I do?
How can I find a doctor/dentist that participates with my plan?
I lost my ID cards. How can I get a replacement?
What does out of network mean?
What is a deductible?
What is a Co-payment (or copay)?
What is co-insurance?
What is co-insurance maximum?
What is a PCP?
What is a drug formulary?
What can I do if my prescription is denied?
- Contact your Benefits Specialist who will research why the drug was denied.
- There may be limitations as to pre-authorization, step therapy, or quantity limits.
- Depending on the issue, the Benefits Specialist will contact the Providers office to have them reach out to Medical Management.
What is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)?
How are Medicaid renewals processed?
Coverage options
If you no longer qualify for Medicaid and your enrollment is being terminated, there are ways to stay covered. Losing Medicaid coverage is a Qualifying Life Event (QLE) because it may impact your health insurance. Experiencing a qualifying life event means you can immediately enroll in a new health plan as part of a special enrollment period.
Most people have three options:
- A health plan through work
- A health plan offered through the Health Insurance Marketplace at healthcare.gov
- Medicare, if you are 65 or older
If you need to sign up for another health plan, the special enrollment period is typically 30 or 60 days.
Special enrollment
If you miss your special enrollment period, you must wait until the next annual open enrollment period to sign up for coverage. These typically start on November 1, for start dates of January 1. Once enrolled in a new health plan due to a special enrollment period, your coverage usually begins on the first day of the month following eligibility.
Please click here for additional information or contact your HRBP for questions or concerns.