Sometimes a crisis brings us together in ways we don’t expect.
Today we’re joined by Lisa Marchitelli, Chief Administrative Officer at AFMDA. The American Friends of Magen David Adom is a nonprofit organization that raises funds to support Israeli’s foremost emergency response and disaster relief organization, Magen David Adom. MDA has conducted over a million COVID tests in Israel and been a major part of the country’s response to the pandemic.
Lisa has over 20 years of experience in Human Resources, and in this conversation, she brings an HR perspective to the ways in which AFMDA, as an American nonprofit supporting Israeli healthcare workers, has coped and adapted during the pandemic.
Discussion highlights:
- How AFMDA has engaged famous musicians, chefs, authors and others to raise funds virtually as in-person fundraisers have been canceled.
- How the pandemic has affected Israeli, and how reopening too quickly has led to a current second wave and a second lockdown.
- How the pandemic and work from home have, in many ways, improved communication between AFMDA teams and has instilled the organization with compassion, even in areas that are not COVID related.
Virtual Gala – Nov. 8th – with Gal Gadot, Jason Alexander and Howie Mandel. For the first time, AFMDA is combining its many regional gala fundraisers into one national virtual event. The Virtual Gala will feature over an hour of comedians, musicians and more to raise funds for AFMDA. Sunday, November 8th @ 7:30 PM.
“Reaching out and listening and talking to your staff– it’s so essential during this time to do check-ins. That’s all people need, is just to know someone is thinking about them and cares about them.” —Lisa Marchitelli
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Lisa Marchitelli is Cheif Administrative Officer at American Friends of Magen David Adom (AFMDA). She has been with AFMDA since 2016 and has over 20 years in Human Resources experience.
AFMDA is an American nonprofit that raises funds to support Magen David Adom (MDA), which is Israel’s foremost emergency response and disaster relief organization.